About Us
With a widespread network of distributors in 3 continents, Sineria has experienced rapid growth since its foundation. Sineria is renowned for its pioneering research work in crop protection and nutrition as well as for its development of suspension concentrate nutritional products.
Sineria has undertaken extensive research and trial work, in laboratories and in the field, together with numerous governmental and private research institutes throughout the world to better understand the complexities of crop protection and nutrition.
Sineria is committed to providing sustainable solutions to the farming industry. We offer an extensive range of specialty products as well as high quality, plant protection solutions, conforming to global standards. We also offer technical and back-up services to enhance our support to our clients.
Sineria has a wealth of technical expertise to actively support both product development and registration. Our toxicological and registration work is performed in-house and supported by GLP and Non-GLP accredited laboratories in Europe, Latin America, and China.
In addition, Sineria is committed to providing high-performance and naturally-derived products that promote plant health and control weeds, pests, and plant diseases in a broad range of crops. Growers will find the crop solutions from Sineria to be valuable and versatile tools that can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of integrated pest management (IPM) and integrated resistance management (IRM) programs.
The range of fully water-soluble liquid fertilizers offered by Sineria contain macro- and micro-elements in highly concentrated solutions and are unique globally in both formulation and concentration. The wide range of products cover starters and planters, seed dressings, organic activators, major elements, and minor elements (including chelates).
Sineria is a known agency house in key regions cooperating with multi-national producers. We are also serving as a link between global manufacturers, distributors, and end-users in Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East.